Monday, April 4, 2011

[Crazy Idea] Higher Difficulty Summary Modes in Games

So I recently beat the second (and sadly, at least for the time being, final) PAA:OtRPoD episode on "Normal" difficulty which unlocked "insane" mode. The difficulty is that, for me, playing through a game a second time is BOOORING.  I've already searched every inch of the game to find fiddly bits, I've already read all the in game dialog, I've already made all the "right choices that make the game move forward instead of killing me"... so it's not much fun to play through on a harder difficulty.

Sometimes developers at least throw me a bone by including additional things to do the second time through and the occasional piece of non-linear game play... but for the most part... BOOORING.

So my idea is to have the game option made available after beating it the first time that I call "summary mode".  When I walk through a room that, on a prior play-through I searched every nook and cranny of it will display a little window saying "upon searching the room you find 2 health potions and a magic sword"... when I'm at a "plot point dialog" it will just say "you discuss the events with Dr. Badguy and then he attacks you".  None of the in game tutorials for mini-games or chocobo raising will show up.  Just the combat and equipment management stuff we really care about.

Another idea would be for a "movie" mode where all of the "plot" get's presented without the annoying combat and equipment management crap.

meh. probably just me who thinks this way.

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