This is one of those "rough draft, write it and then post it without too much revision" posts... if later I feel like the idea has merit I'll clean it up and stuff...
I had this notion to create a alternate ruleset for existing munchkin sets that would make them deck-building games.
Starting something along the lines of:
Munchkin Game of Deck Building!
Equipment, 1 or more complete Munchkin game and any expansions you wish to include.
Find all the 100 or less gold treasure and shuffle them and deal 10 to each player and leave the remainder as a separate "junk treasure" supply. [number of players] good treasure cards are flipped to create the shop.
Deal 5 doors to each player.
These 15 cards are shuffled together to form each player's deck.
Flip over 2x[number of players] monsters (keep drawing doors till you reach 4 and then shuffle any non-monster doors back into the supply) and place them in the centre of the table as the "visible dungeon"
Players start as the "Level 1 Human With No Class" equivalent in the Munchkin set you are playing. Players draw 5 cards from their personal deck and can play any appropriate cards.
On a turn a player flips over a door card:
- If it is a monster, last monster in the visible dungeon is discarded to a central dungeon discard pile and this new monster becomes the first.
- If it is a curse it affects the player who drew it immediately
- If it is some other card it is added to the "dungeon loot" of the most recently drawn monster
If the player drew a monster they must enter combat as normal with any of the monsters in the visible dungeon. If a different card was drawn they may still choose to look for trouble with a monster. Defeated monsters are added to the players discard pile, otherwise they are left in the visible dungeon. Treasures won in combat are drawn from the good treasure deck and any dungeon loot cards attached are also won. They add these cards to their discard pile.
When a player gains their 10th (or 20th for epic) level the game ends immediately after the cards are added to the discard pile.
If combat was successful or there was no combat the player may:
Loot the room: add a card from the dungeon supply to his discard pile
Go shopping:
- player may discard cards from their hand whose value equals or exceeds the price of a treasure to buy cards from the shop (rules relating to the "1000 gold for a level" like the halfling ability apply to these transactions) or in multiples exceeding 1000 to gain levels
- player may buy the next (random) card from the junk treasure pile for 100 gold
- player may permanently discard remove from their deck monsters to claim the number of (random) treasure it is worth from the good treasure deck
(bought or gained cards are added to their discard pile)
Player discards any cards they have in play except race or class cards along with any they wish to from their hand and draws up to their current hand limit (so dwarves get extra etc.) from their own deck.
When the game ends (someone reaches level 10 or there are no more door or treasure cards) players collect all their cards and calculate the winner.
Each level is worth 1 VP
The player with the most total gold gets 1 VP
The player with the most total monster levels gets 1 VP
ties are decided by the player with the least total cards among those tied for most VP
Suggestions? Criticisms? Compliments? Accusations of Plagiarism? Links to someone who did it better? Actual Plays? Please Comment!
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