Friday, April 1, 2011

"Desktop Civillizations (???)" Progress!!!

So, there has been scripting happening. I now draw the field based on the contents of an array and you can click on spots and this changes the state of that array element such that the tile is drawn differently... Oh, and the grid is actually made of hexagons now and when you mouse over a grid it shows that grid with a green circle around it.

Next steps could be any number of things... I'm not sure I'm ready to start thinking about game-logic yet so I'm thinking about maybe making it so the grid is "filled in".

Up till now I've been cropping my screenshots... what the board actually looks like is:

I would like those empty spaces in the corners to be filled in... such that after (9,0) you would see (0,0) again and the triangular empty space in the bottom left to be filled in with the hexes in the sticky out part of the triangle in the bottom right.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I have no time to help you out, but I've added your blog to my reader feed, so I'll at least keep reading your updates. :D
